We, The People of India
These are the first few words of the Constitution of India. All of us as citizens have a right and a duty to celebrate and protect our hard won collective Independence.
Even as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of our Independence, we find that our Constitutional Values and Democratic Institutions are under serious threat.
Constitutional Values are those mentioned in the Preamble of our Constitution including Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity & Secularism.
Democratic Institutions are those that enable Constitutional Values to be realised in practice, namely Judiciary, Legislature, Executive and the other pillars of democracy namely Media, Universities, Civil Society, People's Movements, Industry, Commerce and Services, Workers, Farmers & Farmworkers Unions and Consumers Cooperatives.

What We Can Do

Our Pledge
We must begin with ourselves and do what we can from where we are. Towards this, we have drafted a Bharat Jodo Abhiyaan Pledge which lists out not just intentions but actions. We will each take this pledge on any date after 26th Jan 2023.
Then we will fan out to common citizens and ask them to take the Bharat Jodo Abhiyaan Pledge. To meet our longer term objective of strengthening Constitutional Values and Democratic Institutions (CVDI), in the period of seven years we will continue the activities of the Bharat Jodo Abhiyaan so as to promote CVDI.
Abhiyatris: Our Members
We are just common citizens of India, with no affiliation to any political party. Some of us joined the Bharat Jodo Yatra, because we saw it was helping strengthen Constitutional Values and Democratic Institutions (CVDI). Others have joined various other similar campaigns over the past few years.

You Can Be An Abhiyatri. Join Us!
There are only two eligibility conditions to join the Bharat Jodo Abhiyaan: Belief & Action.
All those who believe that CONSTITUTIONAL VALUES & DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS should be promoted and protected, are welcome to join the Bharat Jodo Abhiyaan, provided they also simultaneously affirm their commitment to act on this belief in a peaceful manner.

What Are We Trying To Do?
Unless we act now our Constitutional Values and Democratic Institutions (CVDI) will be dismantled. The event which will usher in or stop this change is the April 2024 General Election.
Thus our short-term goal is to protect CVDI by influencing the outcome of the Lok Sabha Election in April 2024 and every Assembly election before that, such as in Karnataka, Telangana, Jammu and Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.
We citizens have to prevent those who are destroying CVDI from winning in the next elections. We must ensure voting in favour of those parties and candidates who uphold CVDI.
Abhiyatri Campaigns

Start Your Own Campaign
Bharat Jodo Abhiyan is completely decentralised. Every member, along with her/his community and nearby fellow members may identify issues where Constitutional Values and Democratic Institutions (CVDI) are being threatened and plan a campaign to call it out and protest against violations. They may also work with lawyers and file public interest litigation as needed. They may write to authorities and the media. They may hold public meetings and issue press statements. They may use any peaceful means.
The more people become aware what Constitutional Values and Democratic Institutions (CVDI) are and how these are being threatened, the stronger our cause will be.
Please share this website and our social media handles in all relevant WhatsApp groups that you are members of.
A campaign of this magnitude cannot run without funding. We have to raise money from the people, asking for contributions, in cash and in kind, but also things like venues for meetings, refreshments and meals for participants, etc.
The most important contribution you can make is to volunteer your time and expertise.
- RunningLocation is TBD
- Sun, 08 DecPatna
- Sat, 16 NovPatna, Bihar, India
- Tue, 28 MarPuducherry
- Wed, 01 MarLucknow
- Mon, 13 FebJhansi